Ordering and delivery
For all questions concerning ordering and delivery please contact with the publisher:
Fellenoord 220 – Unit 2.11
5611 ZC Eindhoven
The Netherlands
phone +31 85 401 3600
email training@hightechinstitute.nl
The publisher has ample experience in selling books all over the world. For purchase go to the ‘Order’ tab, choose one of the options and click on ‘order now’. Then you arrive at the publishers’ site, where you can order and choose your payment method: iDeal (NL-only)/creditcard or afterpay/invoice.
Special offers for:
Course providers (companies, national vacuum societies and other scientific institutions, training organizations) who intend to use the book as a text book for educational activities in the coming years,
Vacuum companies who want to enter into an exclusive agreement with the publisher about the purchase of books as a promotional gift (at least 100 copies per year),
Resellers (vacuum societies, vacuum companies and other institutions) who want to buy larger quantities of the book for reselling purposes.
Student associations who opt for collective purchasing the book for their members.
If you are interested in relation to one of these activities or if you for other reasons are interested in a special offer for larger quantities, simply mail to training@hightechinstitute.nl and you will receive a nice quote by return mail.